Council Meeting

Tuesday, January 21, 2025  |  7 - 8 p.m.  |  Map It  

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Council Agenda | Council Minutes

A. Call to Order-Mayor Casey Simoneau

B. Approval of Agenda

C. Consent Agenda

  1. Minutes 12.17.2024
  2. Scheduled Claims List
  3. CMB License-Gambino's Pizza

D. Public Comment:

Members of the public are welcome to comment on items relating to City business not listed on this Agenda. Please stand and wait to be recognized by the Mayor. As a general practice, the comments may or may not be acted upon by the Council during the meeting, or Council may refer the items to staff for follow up. If you wish to comment on an item listed on the agenda, a sign-up sheet is provided for you to sign in and provide your address. You will be called on when the Agenda item of interest is under discussion by the Council.

E. Special Reports or Presentations

Pin and Swear in new Officer Rick Herrera

Annual Pool Report

Human Trafficking Proclamation 

F. Old Business

G. New Business

  1. Council President
  2. Recreation Commission Contract - Sullivan Square
  3. Recreation Commission Contract - Pool
  4. Recreation Commission Contract - Community Center
  5. Electric Rate Ordinance
  6. Trash and Recycling Ordinance
  7. Land Purchase Agreement
  8. Fee Schedule
  9. Appointments: Treasurer, Judge, Attorney, Police Chief, Fire Chief, and City Clerk
  10. Appointment of non-elected official to Public Works/Utility Committee
  11. City Depositories
  12. Edgerton Water Contract 

H. Council Committee Reports

  1. Budget and Finance - Scott Lauridsen/Cory Venable
  2. Community Development - Cory Venable/Susan Pitts
  3. Public Safety - Susan Pitts/Jay King
  4. Public Works and Utilities - Julie Constantinescu/Jay King
  5. Strategic Planning - Scott Lauridsen/Julie Constantinescu 

I. City Administrator and Staff comments

J. Council and Mayor comments

K. Executive Session

L. Adjourn 

Baldwin City Community Center
712 Chapel Street
Baldwin City, Kansas 66006